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Worship Ministries

Our worship services are led by our priest-in-charge, but we also depend on members of the congregation to volunteer in various supporting roles. Anyone who is interested in learning more about these ministries should please contact the Parish Office.



​Our young acolytes assist the celebrant during the 10:00 a.m. service on certain Sundays by carrying the cross, the candles, etc. Any young person who feels ready to accept this responsibility is welcome to join the group. Training is provided.


Altar Flowers

​Parishioners donate our altar flowers each week to mark a family celebration, to give thanks for a blessing received, or to memorialize a loved one.


Altar Guild

Members of the Altar Guild prepare the altar, the sanctuary and the chapel for our two Sunday services and our Wednesday evening service. They also care for the altar linens, vestments, vessels, candles, offering plates, etc.; they order and maintain essential supplies; and they prepare the church for major religious holidays and for events such as baptisms, weddings and funerals.



Our liturgies include Bible passages read by members of the congregation. The Prayers of the People are also led by a volunteer. No great skill is required (if you read books to your children or grandchildren, you can serve as a lector) and coaching is readily available.



Our Music Director directs our choir in providing a mix of classical and contemporary music at our 10:00 a.m. services. Choral experience is not necessary – only the love of music. Choir rehearsals are held on Sunday morning before the 10:00 a.m. church service and on Monday evening at 5:00 p.m., although attendance is not mandatory.


Pastoral Care

Lay Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to our sick and homebound members on a regular basis. (If you would like communion to be brought to you or a loved one, please contact the Parish Office.)


St. Brendan’s also offers other services to parishioners and friends in times of illness and stress. Meals can be arranged; altar flowers can be delivered to the sick or homebound; notes and greeting cards can be mailed or emails sent; and intercessory prayers can be offered at worship services and by individual parishioners.​​


Prayer Requests

Anyone may ask our community to remember fellow parishioners, family members and friends in our prayers.

  • Prayer request cards are available on a table outside the priest’s office in the church lobby.

  • Any of our clergy as well as our parish administrator may also be contacted for this purpose.

Whichever method is used, prayers will be offered at all services during the week and also included in the weekly Navigator's Log. Please feel free to adopt any of the above methods to ensure that your prayer needs are addressed.



A team of Stewards provide security for both our Sunday services. They meet from time to time to review our safety and security protocols and arrange semi-annual drills to ensure that church members understand what steps to take in an emergency.



Ushers welcome everyone to our 10:00 a.m. service as they arrive at the entrance to the sanctuary. They pass out service bulletins, answer questions about the service, and, when necessary, provide large-print prayer books and hymnals. During the service, they take up the collection and assist parishioners moving forward for Holy Communion.


Welcome Table and Greeters

Our Greeters provide a warm welcome for everyone as they first enter our building, especially visitors and newcomers. They ensure that they have nametags and describe the service for those who are not familiar with our liturgy. They invite everyone to stay for the Hospitality Hour after the service and tell newcomers with children about our Sunday School and Nursery.


Worship Committee

The Worship Committee meets periodically with the Priest-in-Charge to look ahead to the next season in the church calendar. Its goal is to advise and support the clergy in making our services more accessible and more meaningful. 

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