Worship with St. Brendan's
Mask-Up Sunday:
To help members with health concerns worship with us in person, St. Brendan's observes Mask-Up Sunday on the first Sunday of every month and asks visitors to wear a mask at the 10 am service. On all days the last two rows of seats in the nave are reserved for anyone wearing a mask.
Worship Times:
Sunday Holy Eucharist Rite II: 8 am & 10 am
Wednesday Holy Eucharist Rite II: 6 pm
A typical week at St. Brendan’s begins each Sunday morning with the Rite II Holy Eucharist at 8 am in the chapel. The 10 am Rite II Holy Eucharist is a family-friendly celebration with music and is followed by a social hour with coffee, lemonade, and baked goods.
Care is available in the Nursery during the 10 am service for infants and children through age four. Children age five through 5th grade begin the service with their families, leaving for Sunday School after the opening hymn and prayer and returning in time to come up to the communion rail with their families. Between September and May, the 10 am service on the last Sunday of each month is a children’s liturgy in which we use kid-friendly language and encourage children to participate by reading lessons and singing or playing instruments.
St. Brendan's also offers a 6 pm Wednesday Eucharist service the first three Wednesdays of every month. On the fourth Wednesday, we offer a Taizé/Evening Prayer with communion service in the chapel. This is a quiet, candlelit service with meditation time included. Times vary between 5 and 6 pm depending on the season. Times are announced in the Navigator.