Poems for Advent
During Advent, I will be featuring three guest posts, each by a different author and with a different theme and style. (Read the first, an academic look at the Gospel of Mark, here and the second, a reflection about seeing the light of Jesus, here). This third and final guest post for Advent features three poems about the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany written by my family friend, Rev. Robert Baldwin “B.” Lloyd.
B. began his ministry in the Episcopal Church in the 1950s; in the 1980s he became the national director of the Appalachian People’s Service Organization, now the Episcopal Appalachian Ministries, and he has served as a priest and adviser to the Monacan People at Bear Mountain in Amherst County, VA for many years. B., now 92, is well-remembered as an advocate for social justice, civil rights, and the welfare of the people of Appalachia. You may read more about B. as well as some of his reflections on welfare of prisoners in the “justice” system here.
Grace and peace,

Oh yes,
Spirit of Celestial Seasons
—Seasons of the heart,
Thank you
For placing us squarely on the threshold
Of this solemn ground of anticipation
To look for the Christ’s coming
in his birth
and in his coming again.
‘Tis in this Advent Season
You beckon us to prepare our hearts, our minds,
our spirits,
For these YOUR epiphanies.
Stir our whole being into awakened anticipation,
That in the deep recesses of our innermost being,
We may grasp along the way of time and space
Glimpses of these glories You so readily would share,
the Majesty, the Mystery of Your Incarnate Love,
That we may ponder these awesome,
break-through moments
----------- AND WAIT ----------
B. Lloyd, Advent 2008
Creator’s Gift
Send out the éyapaha
—the crier.
Tell all the people to make ready.
A Holy One is coming
—coming to live with us!
Send out the éyapaha
—the crier.
Let all the people know
‘Tis the Creator’s Son who comes.
His birth will be for all
Good News beyond imagining!
Send out the éyapaha
—the crier.
Proclaim to all the people
The One who comes is a Mighty One
Who comes to free us
To be all we are created to be.
Send out the éyapaha
—the crier.
Instruct all the people to prepare for Him.
He comes to make all things right,
To restore life’s Sacred Circle,
To declare
that in Creator’s love and justice,
All are related;
that in Creator’s mercy and healing,
All are restored to life again!
Send out the éyapaha
—the crier.
Tell all the people to make ready.
The time has come
To receive Creator’s Gift,
that peace and joy shall fill the land!
B. Lloyd,
December 25, 1994
*The word éyapaha is a Lakota word which B. has translated here as “crier,” The word may also be translated as “announcer” or “herald,” and here it is used to represent John the Baptist. (Image: The Ghent Altarpiece: St John the Baptist, Jan van Eyck, 1425-1429)
“For your sake
This day
In Jesus
I am born into your life.
I come
To save,
To free,
To liberate
From every bondage,
And self-imposed,
So that your life
You can complete.”
Holy Spirit—Great Spirit,
Spirit of Justice,
God’s way of Being,
Peacemaker amongst warring antagonists,
Reconciler of relationships broken,
Outpouring love for poor and oppressed,
Spirit of compassion,
Spirit of healing,
Spirit of change from death to life,
Spirit of God in Jesus made known,
For the sake of your world
And all creation,
Be alive in us today.
B. Lloyd,
Revised December, 1996