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pastoral care

Pastoral Care is an umbrella term to describe the many needs of our Parishioners and how we assist each other in times of need.  There are many pieces that comprise this "group".  We work with the priest to ensure that all of our pastoral care needs are being met. 


Prayer Requests

Prayer requests are collected in several ways. Parishioners and guests can fill out a prayer request card from the table outside the priest’s office in the narthex. Many people simply contact the parish administrator, Katie Cervone, to request prayers for family and friends. Additionally, some people prefer to contact one of the three clergy persons with their requests. Whichever method is used, requests are incorporated into the Prayers of the People on Sundays, into the intercessory prayers in the Evening Prayer service on Wednesday evening, into Morning Prayer (six days a week), and finally, into the weekly Navigator's Log. Please feel free to use any of the above methods to ensure that your prayer needs are addressed.



Our priests, deacons, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and retired priests make visits to our parishioners who cannot make it out of the house or hospital. Please contact the church office to request communion. 


Merry Meal Makers

Many members of the fellowship arrange meals and provide other services to
parishioners and friends in times of illness and stress (i.e. birth of a baby,
post-surgery, death in the family, etc.).  Anyone who has experienced such an
event knows how helpful it is to not worry about meal preparation during that
period of time. Families who need help during a time of need are asked to
contact the church, as are parishioners who would like to provide meals. We
are always in need of meal makers. Home cooked meals are always
appreciated, and take-out meals delivered to the family also help fulfill the


Flower Ministry

Each Sunday the altar flowers (purchased with donated funds and arranged by members of the parish) are delivered them to individuals who are unable to attend service or are celebrating a special event.



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