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How Can I Give?

Cash or Check

Cash and checks may be placed in the donation plate when it is passed at the 10:00 a.m. service, or left in the plate at the back of the chapel at the 8:00 a.m. or evening service.

If you would like, the parish administrator can provide envelopes for your gift.

Checks should be made payable to St. Brendan’s Episcopal Church.

Checks may be designated for a specific purpose by adding a note on the face of the check.


St. Brendan’s uses as its online giving platform. It is simple to use and gifts go directly to the church. Please note, however, that charges St. Brendan's a small fee for each donation (2.9% of the amount donated plus $0.30 per transaction). Please therefore consider selecting the “cover fees” option that offers to help St. Brendan's benefit from the full value of your donation.

Recurring Contributions

Some members set up their giving through their bank. In many cases, this can even be arranged online. This option is the most efficient and cost effective in helping St. Brendan's serve as
good stewards of our resources.

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