Parish Bylaws
Like any well-run, well-organized church, St. Brendan's has its own Parish Bylaws. These are the rules of the road for the parish, all of which are subject to the Canons and the Constitutions of The Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh and of The Episcopal Church. St. Brendan's bylaws underwent their latest revision in 2024, with adoption by the congregation in October of that year; the diocese's Standing Committee gave its approval in February 2025.
St. Brendan's Bylaws (10-6-24).pdf
Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth
To safeguard the well-being of our youngest members, St. Brendan’s follows the Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth developed by the Diocese of Pittsburgh in coordination with The Episcopal Church. The policy sets forth the expectations and guidelines for behavior of ordained and lay people when engaged in ministry with children and teenagers, such as Nursery, Sunday School, Youth Group and similar situations.
Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults
To ensure a safe and welcoming space for adults in positions of dependency, St. Brendan’s adheres to the Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults set forth by the diocese under the authority of The Episcopal Church. The policy governs the behavior of anyone who ministers to adults who: have diminished capacity due to age, illness or disability; are being visited at home for Eucharist or pastoral care; or are in a similar situation requiring dependence on another adult.
Social media policy
Because electronic communication is central to modern life and a leading method for individuals and churches to share news, information and the Gospel itself, the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh has formulated a policy on the use of social media. This policy is embraced and observed by St. Brendan's.
Among the policy's guidelines is one designed to alert visitors to their possible appearance on livestream videos of worship services at St. Brendan's. While this would apply most often to the weekly 10 a.m. Sunday service, it would also come into play during funerals, weddings and other services with video transmission. The camera is located in the back of the church, behind most worshippers. If a person prefers not to appear on the livestream, they should sit toward the back. If they'd like to receive Holy Communion without going up to the altar rail, they should ask an usher.