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Community Outreach

St. Brendan's is an active parish with numerous ministries going on all the time. We continually seek to serve God and support each other by putting our faith in action--in our own church community and in our larger community. New ministries are formed throughout the year as members are called to respond to changing needs in our community and in the world. We also have frequent short-term outreach projects and fun activities, so  keep an eye on our newsletter, the Navigator's Log, for additional opportunities. 



Adopt-a-Highway is one of St. Brendan’s oldest community ministries. Four times a year, parish volunteers get together on a Saturday morning and pick up trash along the Camp Horne interchange of Interstate 279, which is several miles from the church. Anyone age 14 and up may participate, and our crews pick up anywhere from one dozen to three dozen bags of trash during a cleanup. The effort usually takes about two hours.


CRIES Advocacy

At its inception, St. Brendan's made a vow to always allot 10% of our church's operation Income for outreach purposes. This group is called CRIES (Christian Response in Emergency Situations) Advocacy, so named because its intent is to hear the cries of those near and far who are in need. Any member can be a part of this committee and/or suggest where the money should be donated. The committee meets monthly to vote on distribution.


ESL Conversation Friends

ESL Conversation Friends reaches out to adult immigrants and visitors to our country who wish to improve their skills in conversational English. Our program is free and open to people from all national, religious and economic backgrounds. We offer 90-minute online classes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and on Wednesday evenings. The program is affiliated with, and receives expert help from, Literacy Pittsburgh.


Feeding the Spirit

Every month, we ask members to donate food items to the North Hills Food Bank located at Hiland Presbyterian Church on Perry Highway.  Look for the monthly posters in the narthex depicting the current month’s request. The donations are blessed before delivery to our neighbors.


Garden of Hope

At St. Brendan’s we’re keenly aware that many of our neighbors struggle with food insecurity and lack of access to fresh produce. Through our Garden of Hope, we provide fresh produce to the North Hills Food Bank. Parishioners of all ages, including many of our children and youth, contribute to this effort by maintaining the garden, planting seeds, watering, weeding, and harvesting.


Meals for Miryam's

The first Sunday of each month, we cook a nutritious meal for homeless or otherwise vulnerable women. The women reside at the Bethlehem Haven home and receive supportive services such as meals, toiletries, case management, referrals, legal services, and social activities through the Miryam´s Day Program 

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