Clergy & Vestry
Clergy & Vestry
Meet our Priest-in-Charge: The Rev. Robin Jarrell
The Rev. Robin Jerrell joined St. Brendan's family on May 1, 2022. Mother Robin grew up in the Episcopal church. She pursued a career in radio and television until she was accepted to Wellesley College as a non-traditional-aged student. There, she met her husband Chris and together the family moved to Lewisburg, PA. She graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary in 2002 and was ordained to the priesthood in 2003. She has served in parishes in the Diocese of Central PA before accepting a call to serve as St. Brendan's Priest in Charge.
Clergy Schedule
Wednesdays: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Thursdays: 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Meet the Rev. Deacon Darrell Johnson:
Rev. Darrell Johnson was ordained on May 8, 2021 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Mt. Lebanon by the Rt. Rev. Dorsey McConnell as a vocational deacon. Rev. Darrell will continue to support the various ministries at St. Brendan’s and has clergy responsibility for our weekly Evening Prayer and Taize services on Wednesdays. In addition, Rev. Darrell will serve as liturgical deacon for Sunday worship services and preach on a rotational basis. Rev. Darrell has been a member of St. Brendan’s since 2015, underwent the parish discernment process as postulant and candidate prior to ordination. He completed his seminary studies at the Stephenson School for Ministry in the Episcopal Diocese of Central PA where he serves on the school’s Spiritual Formation Committee. Rev. Darrell is married to Tash Zukowski, his partner of 33 years.

St. Brendan's Staff
Parish Administrator: Katie Cervone
Katie manages the church office and assists the priest-in-charge and the vestry members with administrative and other duties related to keeping our organization running smoothly. Her office hours are currently Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Music Director: Daniel May
Daniel coordinates the liturgical music at St. Brendan's and ensures that our services are blessed with beautiful music.
Nursery Coordinator: Liz MacDonald
Our Nursery Manager oversees the nursery during our 10:00 a.m. service, keeping our tiniest and youngest Brendanites occupied so that parents are free to worship more fully.
St. Brendan's Vestry
St. Brendan’s vestry is comprised of nine members, elected by the congregation, who serve staggered three-year terms. The vestry provides administrative and financial oversight and hires the necessary parish staff, including the priest. Each year the vestry selects a senior warden from its ranks who is the primary elected lay leader of the parish and presides at vestry meetings. The vestry also elects a junior warden, who sees to the maintenance of the church’s grounds and building. Each vestry member has one or more specific areas of oversight.
Senior Warden:
Tom Waseleski (vestry member until Jan. 2026)
Junior Warden:
Dan Moore (vestry member until Jan. 2026)
Vestry Members:
Donna Aiello (until Jan. 2028) — Worship
Frances Harpst (until Jan. 2027) — Finance
Jen & Bob Mankowski (until Jan. 2026) — Adult Formation, Technology
Richard Munsch (until Jan. 2027) — Outreach
Ken Parsons (until Jan. 2028) — Hospitality
Melanie Popovich (until Jan. 2027) — Membership/Newcomers, Pastoral Care, Clerk/Secretary
Mike Wick (until Jan. 2028) — Inreach, Children & Youth
Treasurer: Kevin Boyd