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St. Brendan's Episcopal Church is an open and welcoming community of Christians based in Franklin Park, a suburb of Pittsburgh.

We seek to serve God and support each other through worship and faith in action in an atmosphere of love, friendship, and compassion.

We invite you to join us in the realization of the fullness of life, to grow in your faith, and to make a difference in the community and the world.


All are welcome.

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worship with us


8 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II

(In-person only)

10 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II

(Livestreaming and In-person)

with Sunday School (Sept-May)

and Nursery care.

First Sunday of the month: Masks are required.

 Fourth Sunday of the month
(September - May): 
Children's Liturgy


Zoom Morning Prayer (Rite II):

Wednesday 8 am


Wednesdays at 5 pm: Holy Eucharist


Social Justice




Children & Youth


ESL Classes




Modern Episcopalians

Thursdays at 7pm



​In our next session of the Modern Episcopalians group, we will be studying the book Paul: A Biography by N.T. Wright. Wright gives a good historical context for Paul's life and the situations that inspired him to write each letter.  It should help us to better understand what Paul is trying to say in some of his letters that we hear read on Sundays. All are welcome!


Simple Supper
Soup & Ladle
Lenten Simple Supper
Wednesdays, March 12 - April 16
Following the 5pm service
Every Wednesday during Lent, beginning on March 12, we will have a simple supper together immediately after the 5pm service. Each week consists of soup and bread. If you would like, please feel free to bring a simple dish to share, i.e. tossed salad or fruit. The services and simple dinner will help us remember and keep us focused on the sacredness of this time.
If you can't make it to the 5pm service, please feel free to still attend the dinner (come around 6pm). Please join us -- all are welcome!


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Lenten Project

Help the Homeless in our city 

Wednesday, March 5 to

Saturday, April 19


We take so many things for granted – our homes, fresh water, lights, clean clothes, the list goes on and on. Some folks do not have these luxuries; they live on the street or in their cars. To participate, you will receive a calendar, with a different entry for each day during Lent. If you have access to that item or if you do the daily task, put a small amount of money in the provided container. You can pick up supplies at church or use this calendar. At the end of Lent, bring the carton of money to church or mail a check, and the funds will be given to Outreached Arms, a non-profit for the homeless. ​




2365 McAleer Road, Sewickley, PA 15143

at the corner of Rochester and McAleer in Franklin Park


(412) 364-5974


Thanks for contacting us!

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